Desarrollo Sostenible de los Recursos Hídricos en el Altiplano de Bolivia

  • Nombre Abreviado 394 R/HIDRICOS
  • Financiamiento ASDI
  • Convocatoria Programa UMSA - ASDI 2013 - 2017
  • Categoria y Convocatoria del proyecto Programa UMSA - ASDI
  • Duración Inicio: 01/05/2013 Fin: 31/12/2017
  • Tipo de Investigación Básica Aplicada Desarrollo Experimental
  • Datos SIGEP:
    Unidad ejecutora Programa Sub-programa Proyecto Actividad
    95 51 0 0000 394
  • Resumen del Proyecto

    Bolivia needs to increase and improve its agricultural production significantly in order to support the growing population; but in the same time the country suffers a severe shortage of water, which especially is important for the Altiplano. This is mainly due to extreme climate variability for the area. Unfortunately, the future may turn worse for this area due to climatic stress and climate change. Thus, the amount of water per capita will decrease. For this reason this project aims to establish a strategy to strengthen the training of human resources through competitive research and linked to water resources engineering. The efforts are expected to improve conditions for sustainable natural resources management and sustainable production, like Quinoa. The project at the beginning is focused on the Poopo Lake Basin, located in the central part of Altiplano, as a pilot research area. In this area the project focuses on the water resources research, taking into account the two integral disciplines: Hydroclimatology and Groundwater, which means to train two engineers at PhD...Ver mas

  • Impacto

    • Desarrollo de recursos humanos a nivel de doctorado 2
    • Desarrollo de recursos humanos a nivel de licenciatura 5
    • Desarrollo de herramientas de manejo de los recursos hídricos
    • Transferencia de tecnologías a los interesado sobre el agua 

  • Objetivos

  • Objetivo General
    • To assure high class research and academic level through international training network based on doctoral training to achieve highly qualified academic staff at UMSA. Also the collaboration between the Bolivian institutes are important to obtain a critical mass for doing good research. A network within Bolivia should be built in order to disseminate the knowledge and technology through seminars and workshops.

  • Objetivos Especificos
    • Specific objective Nº 1 - Development of human resources at doctoral level

      Specific objective Nº 2 - Research and postdoc program at international level

      Specific objective No 3: Research on water and sustainable development of Altiplano

  • Participantes

  • Coordinador Ramiro Simón Pillco Zola
  • Co-cordinador
  • - Participantes del proyecto
    Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad
    Licenciatura Apoyo administrativo
    (Categoria D)
    Bachiller Apoyo administrativo
    (Categoria D)
    Bachiller Apoyo administrativo
    (Categoria D)
    Universitario Becario Pregrado
    (Categoria D)
    Doctorado Ph.D. Coordinador
    (Categoria D)
    Maestria Doctorando
    (Categoria D)
    Maestria Doctorando
    (Categoria D)
    Doctorado Ph.D. Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Bachiller Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Ingeniero Investigador
    (Categoria D)
    Ingeniero Investigador
    (Categoria D)
  • - Colaboradores del proyecto
    Nombre Grado Académico Cargo Cédula de identidad
    (Categoria D)
    Bachiller Chofer
    (Categoria D)
    (Categoria D)
  • Unidades Participantes

  • Unidad Proponente Instituto de Hidráulica e Hidrología
  • Unidad Contraparte
  • + Unidades Co-Ejecutoras
    Nombre de la Unidad Responsable de la Unidad
  • Lineas de Investigación

    • Hidroclimatología
    • Hidrogeología